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fRoots Radio July 2012 Edition (1:13:23)


1.(Sig) English Country Blues Band / The Italian Job / Unruly (Weekend Beatnik)
2.Karinding Attack / Burial Buncelik / Gerbang Kerajaan Serigala (Karatmusic)
3.Geomungo Factory / Jirirariru / Metamorphosis (Geomundo Factory)
4.Emily Portman / Sunken Bells / Hatchling (Furrow)
5.Joy Dunlop & Twelfth Day / Fiere / Fiere (Orange Feather)
6.Sam Lee / On Yonder Hill / Ground Of Its Own (Nest Collective)
7.Kottarashky & The Rain Dogs / Aman Aman / Demoni (Asphalt Tango)
8.Warsaw Village Band / Hola Byski Hola / Nord (Jaro)
9.Charley Patton / High Sheriff Blues / Crime & Punishment (Fantastic Voyage)
10.The Everly Brothers / Down In The Willow Garden / Crime & Punishment (Fantastic Voyage)
11.Els Berros De La Cort / Alfaomega / Los Nostres Vices E Pecats (Nufolk)
12.Chicha Libre / La Danza De Don Lucho / Canibalismo (Crammed)
13.Bella Hardy / Henry & Clara / The Dark Peak And The White (Noe)
14.Shirley & Dolly Collins / Death & The Lady from the CD The Harvest Years (EMI Harvest)
15.Duffy Power / Sweet Again / Tigers (Dusk Fire)
16.Vusi Mahlasela / Re Yo Tshela Kae / Say Africa (Wrasse)
17.Mahsa & Marjan Vahdat / Golden Straws Of Wheat / Twinklings Of Hope (KKV)
18.Aysenur Kolivar / Kar Yagayi / Bahceye Hanimeli (Kalan)
19.Kan / Mangatakk / Sleeper (Kan Music)